Digital Forensics

IT Support and Digital Forensics: Safeguarding Your Business Against Cybercrime

The corporate world is a cutthroat place, but combining it with the digital world adds another dimension of risk entirely. Businesses of all kinds are constantly at risk from various kinds of cybercrime, ranging from data breaches and hacking attempts to acts of corporate espionage, and even sabotage from within the company itself. Managed IT support plays an important role in keeping companies and their precious information secure. However, once the damage from a cybercrime has been done, you sometimes need an expert to investigate exactly what went wrong [...]

2024-09-27T21:06:44+00:00September 15, 2024|Digital Forensics, IT Services|0 Comments

What Is Digital Forensics and Who Can It Help?

Technology is everywhere in our daily lives. It helps us stay connected to family across the country, chat with friends we can’t see often enough, and network for our careers. Businesses have come to depend on technology just as much as individuals do. Thanks to cloud storage, the right tech allows a company to operate 24/7, work with international clients, and bounce back from natural disasters. However, technology also creates vulnerabilities for a business. Hackers can exploit holes in a security system and access customer information or proprietary [...]

2023-03-02T20:01:52+00:00September 15, 2021|Digital Forensics|0 Comments
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